Analysing level of satisfaction and customer perception through CRM data enrichment to boost lead generation for the National Italian Postal Service
The opportunity
Learning the ins and outs of your audience
Poste Italiane, Italy’s national postal service provider, required a more complete, and reliable profile of their traders and potential customers.
To do this, they needed to add in-depth information on areas such as feedback, reputation, product categories sold, technology partners to the CRM.
Traditional solutions, such as surveys, fail to provide an all-round and reliable view of customer opinion. Respondents might not always feel comfortable in giving negative feedback, questions may be unclear, or even close-ended; all of which could potentially provide an inaccurate and unreliable conclusion.
This is why Poste Italiane required an innovative, comprehensive, and reliable approach to reach their final goal.
Why choose us
Supplementing the internal CRM with synthetic indexes for performance analysis
Data Appeal’s Sentiment Score can help you keep a finger on the pulse of your customers’ opinions and developing needs, and the popularity and frequency distribution of any place.
This KPI provides you with a data-backed reliable insight based on what is being said about your brand online, making it easier to understand what influences current and future customer behaviour. In practical terms, it provides you with the information you need to elevate and adapt your marketing strategies — improving customer experience and satisfaction.
You can also compare your results to your competitors’, which can give you an incredible competitive edge in your industry, helping you position yourself better against competitors.
These advantages were perfectly in line with Poste Italiane’s needs—to understand where they stand with their current customers, and where to target their future marketing and sales efforts.
How Data Appeal responded
Enabling timely and accurate action to ensure success
Data Appeal collaborated with Poste Italiane’s Open Innovation and Digital, Technology and Operation teams to launch a CRM data enrichment project — supplying them with the performance indexes on operators and eCommerce merchants to evaluate new business leads.
With the help of our unique, scalable data lake, we can enrich CRM and public databases with exclusive and highly commercial KPIs based on semantically analysed customer reviews, in-depth geolocation data, and other open data available online.
The semantic analysis of reputation data and feedback on online channels opened new opportunities for Poste Italiane’s sales team; and made it possible to precisely target companies to which they could offer services and products.
Through this same data, Poste Italiane could update their existing CRM with the latest data about their customers, such as any changes in phone numbers and websites to info on reviews which in turn, tells Poste about the performance of their clients.
The results
Improved customer satisfaction and experience, and a targeted lead strategy
With Data Appeal’s help, Poste Italiane could analyse and catalogue reputation data and feedback on social networks to enrich their CRM with exclusive KPIs and synthetic indexes of market potential.
Through this data enrichment project, they’ve identified potential leads, and the client reached their final goal to reach a wider customer base in a cost-effective, and efficient manner.
Plus, they gained a better understanding of who they appeal to and where, around which they shaped a targeted lead strategy to support their sales team.
Ready to supercharge your CRM with data enrichment?
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