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Poste Italiane launches a data enrichment experiment with The Data Appeal Company. The goal is to enrich their internal CRM with synthetic indexes to evaluate the performances of small operators and ecommerce merchants, across Italy, to improve commercial sales leads and their own commercial channels.

Data enrichment, enhancing internal datasets with alternative data sources, sets the foundation to make more informed decisions across departments for any organization. It also creates efficiency and reduces time identifying the right customers and partners to offer products and services.Today, data relating to the reputation and online perception of brands and businesses is invaluable. The impact of feedback and reputation on social media has become a critical qualifying element, rather than solely relying on economic data or the georeferencing of commercial operators.This is why Poste Italiane, the national Italian postal service provider, with the Open Innovation and Digital, Technology & Operation teams, has launched a data enrichment project with Data Appeal. The project, built with artificial intelligence technology, analyzes and catalogs reputation data and feedback on social networks to enrich Poste’s Italiane’s CRM with exclusive KPIs and synthetic indexes of market potential.

Starting from an experimentation on small economic operators, the partnership with The Data Appeal Company has grown exponentially. Data Appeal has been formally accredited as a supplier of Poste Italiane and has commenced an annual collaboration to further evaluate the market potential of small economic operators and ecommerce merchants, and to improve commercial leads for sales force and commercial channel.

Feedback and Reputation Analysis for CRM Data Enrichment

The Data Appeal Company provides location and business intelligence solutions to commercial organizations, museums, tourism destinations, municipalities, the finance industry and the consumer goods sector.Our unique, scalable data lake contains semantically analyzed customer reviews, in-depth geolocation data and other open data available online to enrich the information of CRM and public databases with exclusive and highly commercial KPIs.Among the performance indicators, the predominant indexes include those relating consumer feedback about a business compared against competitors, product categories sold, current technological logistics and payment partners.

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