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On 19-22 April 2023, The Data Appeal Company will participate in “The Elephant in the Room”, the new City Destinations Alliance’s International Conference.

Do not miss our speech: “Taking the guesswork out of destination marketing & management with data-driven insights”
21 April – 11:50 am

The Elephant in the Room

How sustainable can a meeting be if you have to fly to get there? What can destinations do to deliver better visitor experiences if the destination is out of hand(s)? Is growth becoming the mammoth of tourism — and is the idea of quality tourism the white elephant of destination management?

These current and pressing topics and many others will be covered in Sofia, from the 19 to the 21 April, during the annual CityDNA conference.

We all know it’s there: The Elephant in The Room — that magnificent, big-eared presence that is too complex, too difficult, too sensitive, too uncomfortable to talk about openly. The world never stands still, and its elephants are evolving too! From net-zero to labour shortage and challenges, passing by artificial intelligence and the shifting sphere of influence, 170+ members from DMOs all over Europe and beyond will get a new approach on existing elephants that have changed over time.”

Participants will hear from other members and destinations, such as Amsterdam, Bilbao, Bologna, Catalonia, and Dublin; partners and other companies and universities, including Modul University, Glasgow Caledonian University, and — of course — The Data Appeal Company.

Taking the guesswork out of destination marketing & management with data-driven insights

This year The Data Appeal Company has entered into a strategic partnership with City Destinations Alliance, the alliance of Tourist Boards, Convention Bureaux and City Marketing Organisations in Europe.

To consolidate the partnership and support the cities and tourism destinations members of CityDNA, on 21 April at 11:50 am, Data Appeal will hold a speech about the importance of taking advantage of data and data-driven insights during everyday decision-making.

Hannah Babineau, Head of Partnerships at The Data Appeal Company, will show how a data-driven strategy today can help international destinations attract more visitors, plan the most effective marketing campaigns and surpass competitors.

“Today, destinations must learn how to master the generous amount of data available online. Data can become their best ally to become data-driven, invest strategically and mitigate risks.”

Hannah Babineau, Head of Partnerships at Data Appeal

To learn more about the event, download the program.

The CityDNA Conference in Sofia will be a great chance to meet Hannah and our sales team and try Data Appeal Studio, the only all-in-one platform for destination marketing & management.

Meet our team

Hannah Babineau
Head of Partnerships at Data Appeal

[email protected]


Michele Ancillotti
International Sales Manager – Destinations at Data Appeal

[email protected]

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